zabbix_export: version: '7.0' template_groups: - uuid: 40cc3baad80b4c0c815f809ea20e2875 name: 'Templates/Operating systems' templates: - uuid: fea7e06d651e4af7b45ee0f33becfbc0 template: 'Linux by SSH' name: 'Linux by SSH' description: | 'vaniacer' munkássága alapján készítettem, és felpimpeltem a zabbix 7.0-ra. Kijavítottam a hibáit (pl. network devices & mounted filesystem discovery, memória, stb), és kibővítettem új funkciókkal, triggerekkel, dashboardokkal, grafikonokkal. 29 változóval (macros) rendelkezik, amiből számunkra a 3 legfontosabb: - {$SSH.PORT}: ha nem a 22-es porton figyel az ssh szerver, állítsd be a hosztnál - {$SSH.USER}: ennek nincs default értéke, állítsd be a hosztnál - {$SSH.PWD}: ennek nincs default értéke, állítsd be a hosztnál Tesztelve: - Debian 12 x86 - Debian 11 arm - Fedora 41 - RedHat 8 - RedHat 9 - Ubuntu 20.04 - Ubuntu 22.04 - Ubuntu 24.04 Függőségei: - ssh :-) - sysstat - python3 Figyelem! Ha nem használsz swap-ot, akkor tiltsd le a "Memory swap space free in %" nevű item-et, hogy ne kapj állandó hibaüzenetet! Gyenge hardveren látványosan meg tudja emelni a CPU load-ot, ha problémákat érzékelsz, növeld meg a lekérdezések idejét az adott hoszton. vendor: name: msandor version: 7.0-1 groups: - name: 'Templates/Operating systems' items: - uuid: 6f79c48d973f4a7486aa6f1c9a92167f name: 'SSH service is availability' type: SIMPLE key: 'net.tcp.service[ssh,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 1w description: 'Used for monitoring the availability status of the service.' tags: - tag: Application value: 'SSH service' - tag: component value: system triggers: - uuid: 2bdc0f5de75a405ab74725c51478bbed expression: 'last(/Linux by SSH/net.tcp.service[ssh,,{$SSH.PORT}])<1' name: 'SSH daemon is not running or port is not accessible' priority: WARNING description: | A lehetséges okok: - vagy nem fut az ssh szerver - vagy rossz porton próbálod elérni {$SSH.PORT} - vagy a helyi tűzfal tiltja - vagy nincs hálózati kapcsolatod a gép felé manual_close: 'YES' - uuid: a2f8e214cde743199e83276736cbdd06 name: 'Checksum of /etc/passwd' type: SSH key: '[cksum of:/etc/passwd,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 15m history: 7d value_type: TEXT trends: '0' params: 'sha256sum /etc/passwd | awk ''{ print $1 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1h tags: - tag: component value: security triggers: - uuid: 26289f372c894d12bedc14ee84b984d6 expression: '(last(/Linux by SSH/[cksum of:/etc/passwd,,{$SSH.PORT}],#1)<>last(/Linux by SSH/[cksum of:/etc/passwd,,{$SSH.PORT}],#2))>0' name: '/etc/passwd has been changed' priority: WARNING manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: security - uuid: 599a0fa196b44ba6928da87190662f31 name: 'Maximum number of open file descriptors' type: SSH key: '[kernel.maxfiles,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 1h history: 7d params: 'cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'May be increased by using the `sysctl` utility or modifying the file `/etc/sysctl.conf`.' preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1d tags: - tag: component value: system triggers: - uuid: b193cfc008184afc98e05bec35d077fd expression: 'last(/Linux by SSH/[kernel.maxfiles,,{$SSH.PORT}])<{$KERNEL.MAXFILES.MIN}' name: 'Configured max number of open filedescriptors is too low' event_name: 'Configured max number of open filedescriptors is too low (< {$KERNEL.MAXFILES.MIN})' priority: INFO tags: - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 0aeab5e9d9c4485cb1b4ad5b58c3bd35 name: 'Maximum number of processes' type: SSH key: '[kernel.maxproc,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 1h history: 7d params: 'cat /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'May be increased by using the `sysctl` utility or modifying the file `/etc/sysctl.conf`.' preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1d tags: - tag: component value: system triggers: - uuid: 21127fc3a3074dd280869924bf79baef expression: 'last(/Linux by SSH/[kernel.maxproc,,{$SSH.PORT}])<{$KERNEL.MAXPROC.MIN}' name: 'Configured max number of processes is too low' event_name: 'Configured max number of processes is too low (< {$KERNEL.MAXPROC.MIN})' priority: INFO tags: - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 7b196689738842c09a47e38f6252bf5f name: 'Available memory' type: SSH key: '[mem_available,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d units: B params: 'grep MemAvailable /proc/meminfo | awk ''{ print $2 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | The available memory: - in Linux = free + buffers + cache; - on other platforms calculation may vary. preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '1024' tags: - tag: component value: memory - uuid: 0c044db84540495e8682c51a4aa8c178 name: 'Available memory in %' type: SSH key: '[mem_pavailable,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: | total=$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{ print $2 }') available=$(grep MemAvailable /proc/meminfo | awk '{ print $2 }') python3 -c "print (100.0/$total*$available)" username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'The available memory as percentage of the total. See also Appendixes in Zabbix Documentation about parameters of the `vm.memory.size` item.' tags: - tag: component value: memory - uuid: c4d86fd64b684ef696c4dab27ee44b6d name: 'Total memory' type: SSH key: '[mem_total,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 1d history: 7d units: B params: 'grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk ''{ print $2 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'Total memory expressed in bytes.' preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '1024' tags: - tag: component value: memory - uuid: 7c95a330a7bb4f3c939e9ce5c68ee997 name: 'Memory utilization' type: SSH key: '[mem_utilization,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: | total=$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{ print $2 }') available=$(grep MemAvailable /proc/meminfo | awk '{ print $2 }') python3 -c "print (100-(100.0/$total*$available))" username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'The percentage of used memory is calculated as `100-pavailable`.' tags: - tag: component value: memory triggers: - uuid: 18a64e5bd38b4ecb8c2b30bc00436847 expression: 'last(/Linux by SSH/[mem_utilization,,{$SSH.PORT}])>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}' name: 'High memory utilization' event_name: 'High memory utilization (>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}% for 5m)' priority: AVERAGE description: 'The system is running out of free memory.' tags: - tag: scope value: capacity - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 9e00d8f0e85149518c4ca79b3b20f07a name: 'Number of processes' type: SSH key: '[proc.num,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d params: 'ps -ax --no-headers | wc -l' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' tags: - tag: component value: system - uuid: 09ea77b058e6430285534f058a127763 name: 'Number of running processes' type: SSH key: '[,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d params: 'grep procs_running /proc/stat | awk ''{ print $2 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' tags: - tag: component value: system triggers: - uuid: 0355290864ae4ca888da334fad838dc6 expression: 'avg(/Linux by SSH/[,,{$SSH.PORT}],5m)>30' name: 'Too many processes running' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 6e33ee38dee948818e38170e34640ddf name: 'System boot time' type: SSH key: '[system.boottime,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 15m history: 7d units: unixtime params: 'grep btime /proc/stat | awk ''{ print $2 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1h tags: - tag: component value: system - uuid: f78e856204d548dabcd9568319198fdb name: 'Interrupts per second' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.intr,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT params: 'grep intr /proc/stat | awk ''{ print $2 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'Number of interrupts processed.' preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 62da9ff369f24471882a236b2b562b3f name: 'Load average (1m avg)' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.load.all,avg1,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT params: 'cat /proc/loadavg | awk ''{ print $1 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'Calculated as the system CPU load divided by the number of CPU cores.' tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 8b6e2e5cfbbb467abafb7f02434edfe3 name: 'Load average (5m avg)' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.load.all,avg5,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 2m history: 7d value_type: FLOAT params: 'cat /proc/loadavg | awk ''{ print $2 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'Calculated as the system CPU load divided by the number of CPU cores.' tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: ab4a15130be1424fa08a0122562f58fe name: 'Load average (15m avg)' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.load.all,avg15,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 3m history: 7d value_type: FLOAT params: 'cat /proc/loadavg | awk ''{ print $3 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'Calculated as the system CPU load divided by the number of CPU cores.' tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 4e338e8b28844cdd8ac8f5739d170b42 name: 'Context switches per second' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.switches,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT params: 'grep ctxt /proc/stat | awk ''{ print $2 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'The combined rate at which all processors on the computer are switched from one thread to another.' preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 01d29d30cfc7474c901a4d31b207033e name: 'CPU utilization' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.util,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'idle=$(LANG=C mpstat | grep all | awk ''{ print $(NF) }''); python3 -c "print (100-$idle)"' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | CPU utilization expressed in %. Ha "Not supported" a státusza, akkor telepítsd fel a 'sysstat' nevű csomagot! tags: - tag: component value: cpu triggers: - uuid: c35f551d426d4219853f5a86f00a1a17 expression: 'min(/Linux by SSH/[system.cpu.util,,{$SSH.PORT}],5m)>{$CPU.UTIL.CRIT}' name: 'High CPU utilization' event_name: 'High CPU utilization (over {$CPU.UTIL.CRIT}% for 5m)' opdata: 'Current utilization: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING description: 'CPU utilization is too high. The system might be slow to respond.' tags: - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: cdac34b980a34ac5967969f1c96a30bb name: 'CPU guest time' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.util.guest,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'LANG=C LANG=C mpstat | grep all | awk ''{ print $10 }'' | sed "s|,|.|g"' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | Time spent on running a virtual CPU for a guest operating system. Ha "Not supported" a státusza, akkor telepítsd fel a 'sysstat' nevű csomagot! tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: b086f42a27cc47cb96dd57e752a57320 name: 'CPU guest nice time' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.util.guest.nice,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'LANG=C LANG=C mpstat | grep all | awk ''{ print $11 }'' | sed "s|,|.|g"' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | Time spent on running a niced guest (a virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel). Ha "Not supported" a státusza, akkor telepítsd fel a 'sysstat' nevű csomagot! tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: b14571b4418a47afa0e5e62eea80564d name: 'CPU idle time' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.util.idle,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'LANG=C mpstat | grep all | awk ''{print $NF}'' | sed "s|,|.|g"' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | The time the CPU has spent doing nothing. Ha "Not supported" a státusza, akkor telepítsd fel a 'sysstat' nevű csomagot! tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 6f3bdc4dc46d44f8846f25c7ad2437c9 name: 'CPU interrupt time' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.util.interrupt,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'LANG=C mpstat | grep all | awk ''{ print $7 }'' | sed "s|,|.|g"' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | Time the CPU has spent servicing hardware interrupts. Ha "Not supported" a státusza, akkor telepítsd fel a 'sysstat' nevű csomagot! tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 50c4d049c9434798a5c1b7652948920d name: 'CPU iowait time' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.util.iowait,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'LANG=C mpstat | grep all | awk ''{ print $6 }'' | sed "s|,|.|g"' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | Time the CPU has been waiting for I/O to complete. Ha "Not supported" a státusza, akkor telepítsd fel a 'sysstat' nevű csomagot! tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: f5ba59783adc4ed6810f91036577d9bf name: 'CPU nice time' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.util.nice,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'LANG=C mpstat | grep all | awk ''{ print $4 }'' | sed "s|,|.|g"' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | Time the CPU has spent running users' processes that have been niced. Ha "Not supported" a státusza, akkor telepítsd fel a 'sysstat' nevű csomagot! tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: f3f721f6e5dd46179cae8cb7a4f68c47 name: 'CPU softirq time' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.util.softirq,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'LANG=C mpstat | grep all | awk ''{ print $8 }'' | sed "s|,|.|g"' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | Time the CPU has been servicing software interrupts. Ha "Not supported" a státusza, akkor telepítsd fel a 'sysstat' nevű csomagot! tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 7b717fc9a51044e88f2171945a54994e name: 'CPU steal time' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.util.steal,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'LANG=C mpstat | grep all | awk ''{ print $9 }'' | sed "s|,|.|g"' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | The amount of "stolen" CPU from this virtual machine by the hypervisor for other tasks, such as running another virtual machine. Ha "Not supported" a státusza, akkor telepítsd fel a 'sysstat' nevű csomagot! tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 967de7c2bb7e42edb0046c66c4b83d89 name: 'CPU system time' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.util.system,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'LANG=C mpstat | grep all | awk ''{ print $5 }'' | sed "s|,|.|g"' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | Time the CPU has spent running the kernel and its processes. Ha "Not supported" a státusza, akkor telepítsd fel a 'sysstat' nevű csomagot! tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: dbaa8d1b88854713a2cc13eaa10ca202 name: 'CPU user time' type: SSH key: '[system.cpu.util.user,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'LANG=C LANG=C mpstat | grep all | awk ''{ print $3 }'' | sed "s|,|.|g"' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | Time the CPU has spent running users' processes that are not niced. Ha "Not supported" a státusza, akkor telepítsd fel a 'sysstat' nevű csomagot! tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: f1f8e7c5d7984d96a606f78ae4060ab5 name: 'Number of CPUs' type: SSH key: '[system.cpunumber,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 1d history: 7d params: 'grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 0ad5d7af01794d5488bf5cba112c393a name: 'System name' type: SSH key: '[system.hostname,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 1h history: 7d value_type: CHAR trends: '0' params: hostname username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'The host name of the system.' inventory_link: NAME preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 12h tags: - tag: component value: system triggers: - uuid: 4d3edd3ba4c2441fb2c37ce36c6f5b2b expression: 'change(/Linux by SSH/[system.hostname,,{$SSH.PORT}]) and length(last(/Linux by SSH/[system.hostname,,{$SSH.PORT}]))>0' name: 'System name has changed' event_name: 'System name has changed (new name: {ITEM.VALUE})' priority: INFO description: 'The name of the system has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - tag: scope value: security - uuid: 91906c5fc0404a6e84d5b0be77f19c4e name: 'System local time' type: SSH key: '[system.localtime,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d trends: '0' units: unixtime params: 'date +%s' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'The local system time of the host.' tags: - tag: component value: system - uuid: 42b6b270ae25436aaa0c84e94a8ba5ac name: 'Operating system architecture' type: SSH key: '[system.sw.arch,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 1d history: 7d value_type: CHAR trends: '0' params: 'uname -m' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'The architecture of the operating system.' tags: - tag: component value: os - uuid: 6b0bce27426747eebcf172bd76139407 name: 'Operating system' type: SSH key: '[system.sw.os,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 1h history: 7d value_type: CHAR trends: '0' params: | #grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release | awk -F"\"" '{print $2}' cat /proc/version username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' inventory_link: OS_FULL preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1d tags: - tag: component value: os - uuid: 1b51d13fd1f145579862b13c1f678ec3 name: 'Free swap space' type: SSH key: '[,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d units: B params: 'grep SwapFree /proc/meminfo | awk ''{ print $2 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'The free space of the swap volume/file expressed in bytes.' preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '1024' tags: - tag: component value: memory - tag: component value: storage - uuid: 74f14e40045f4188823d800b76ec511b name: 'Free swap space in %' type: SSH key: '[system.swap.size.pfree,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: | total=$(grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{ print $2 }') free=$(grep SwapFree /proc/meminfo | awk '{ print $2 }') if [ $total != 0 ]; then python3 -c "print (100.0/$total*$free)"; else echo 0; fi username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | The free space of the swap volume/file expressed in %. Ha nem használsz swap-ot, akkor kapcsold ki, mert 0-t fog mutatni! tags: - tag: component value: memory - tag: component value: storage triggers: - uuid: 25ac61d728fc4005b7b44e6c74da7306 expression: 'max(/Linux by SSH/[system.swap.size.pfree,,{$SSH.PORT}],5m) <{$SWAP.PFREE.MIN.WARN} and last(/Linux by SSH/[system.swap.size.pfree,,{$SSH.PORT}])>0' name: 'High swap space usage' event_name: 'High swap space usage (less than {$SWAP.PFREE.MIN.WARN}% free)' opdata: 'Free: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, total: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2}' priority: WARNING description: 'If there is no swap configured, this trigger is ignored.' tags: - tag: scope value: capacity - uuid: efb48839cd444087a921abc9fba2578f name: 'Total swap space' type: SSH key: '[,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 1h history: 7d units: B params: 'grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo | awk ''{ print $2 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'The total space of the swap volume/file expressed in bytes.' preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '1024' tags: - tag: component value: memory - tag: component value: storage - uuid: 55023d0fdcd844eb9352878e47a98163 name: 'System description' type: SSH key: '[system.uname,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 1h history: 7d value_type: CHAR trends: '0' params: 'uname -snrvm' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'The information as normally returned by ''uname -a''.' inventory_link: OS preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 12h tags: - tag: component value: system triggers: - uuid: ab21110982db4db9a83c26e3a788ed15 expression: '(last(/Linux by SSH/[system.uname,,{$SSH.PORT}],#1)<>last(/Linux by SSH/[system.uname,,{$SSH.PORT}],#2))>0' name: 'Host information was changed' priority: INFO - uuid: 83b898dcaba64846a849c218a1775f12 name: 'System uptime' type: SSH key: '[system.uptime,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d units: uptime params: 'cat /proc/uptime | awk -F. ''{ print $1 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'The system uptime expressed in the following format: "N days, hh:mm:ss".' tags: - tag: component value: system triggers: - uuid: a520021110124fb78c759e015337ff2f expression: 'last(/Linux by SSH/[system.uptime,,{$SSH.PORT}])<10m' name: '{HOST.NAME} has been restarted' event_name: '{HOST.NAME} has been restarted (uptime < 10m)' priority: WARNING description: 'The host uptime is less than 10 minutes.' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: d0c68144ece848bb867ac32aa9dec3b4 name: 'Number of logged in users' type: SSH key: '[system.users.num,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d params: 'who | wc -l' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'The number of users who are currently logged in.' tags: - tag: component value: environment discovery_rules: - uuid: 4c6b98ae86f24d58a7e28957710c5805 name: 'Network interface discovery' type: SSH key: '[net.if.discovery,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 1h params: | NETS=($(grep : /proc/net/dev | grep -v lo: | sed 's|:.*$||g')) data=$( for NET in "${NETS[@]}"; { printf "\n\t{ \"{#IFNAME}\":\"$NET\"\t},"; } printf '_LAST_COMMA_' ) printf "{\n\t\"data\":[\n${data//,_LAST_COMMA_/\\n}\n\t]\n}\n" username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#IFNAME}' value: '{$NET.IF.IFNAME.MATCHES}' formulaid: A - macro: '{#IFNAME}' value: '{$NET.IF.IFNAME.NOT_MATCHES}' operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: B lifetime: 30d enabled_lifetime_type: DISABLE_NEVER description: 'The discovery of network interfaces.' item_prototypes: - uuid: 17ce07bb016544dea17186558841a401 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Operational status' type: SSH key: '[net.if.contents."/sys/class/net/{#IFNAME}/operstate",,{$SSH.PORT}]' trends: '0' params: 'cat /sys/class/net/{#IFNAME}/operstate' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'Reference:' preprocessing: - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - | var newvalue; switch(value) { case "unknown": newvalue = 0; break; case "notpresent": newvalue = 1; break; case "down": newvalue = 2; break; case "lowerlayerdown": newvalue = 3; break; case "testing": newvalue = 4; break; case "dormant": newvalue = 5; break; case "up": newvalue = 6; break; default: newvalue = "Problem parsing interface operstate in JS"; } return newvalue; tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: acf236e541a54f4298ff39e3049ab1ce name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Speed' type: SSH key: '[net.if.contents."/sys/class/net/{#IFNAME}/speed",,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 1h value_type: TEXT trends: '0' params: 'cat /sys/class/net/{#IFNAME}/speed' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | It indicates the latest or current speed value of the interface. The value is an integer representing the link speed expressed in bits/sec. This attribute is only valid for the interfaces that implement the ethtool `get_link_ksettings` method (mostly Ethernet). Reference: preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '1000000' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: 2d7df908cb724745b7d803160773f060 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Interface type' type: SSH key: '[net.if.contents."/sys/class/net/{#IFNAME}/type",,{$SSH.PORT}]' value_type: TEXT trends: '0' params: 'cat /sys/class/net/{#IFNAME}/type' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: | It indicates the interface protocol type as a decimal value. See `include/uapi/linux/if_arp.h` for all possible values. Reference: preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1d tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: 135c8bba836444b7ad90b3ed0b664fa3 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Bits received' type: SSH key: '["{#IFNAME}",,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 3m history: 7d units: bps params: | data=($(grep {#IFNAME} /proc/net/dev)) echo ${data[1]} username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '8' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: a7c6868f24b04e85925ecb1380047a76 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Inbound packets discarded' type: SSH key: '["{#IFNAME}",dropped,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 3m history: 7d params: | data=($(grep {#IFNAME} /proc/net/dev)) echo ${data[4]} username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: ced321e64d024d6786b7092e60c5e524 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Inbound packets with errors' type: SSH key: '["{#IFNAME}",errors,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 3m history: 7d params: | data=($(grep {#IFNAME} /proc/net/dev)) echo ${data[3]} username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: 833513df526341a1a9666cf54ec83f9d name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Bits sent' type: SSH key: '[net.if.out."{#IFNAME}",,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 3m history: 7d units: bps params: | data=($(grep {#IFNAME} /proc/net/dev)) echo ${data[9]} username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '8' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: 39b19a206a90464ab85a24f3fe347d93 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Outbound packets discarded' type: SSH key: '[net.if.out."{#IFNAME}",dropped,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 3m history: 7d params: | data=($(grep {#IFNAME} /proc/net/dev)) echo ${data[12]} username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: 796f5a89f32f43cbaab155f6b34d51f4 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Outbound packets with errors' type: SSH key: '[net.if.out."{#IFNAME}",errors,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 3m history: 7d params: | data=($(grep {#IFNAME} /proc/net/dev)) echo ${data[11]} username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' graph_prototypes: - uuid: d0f6c6ad3e2241a49d080eefaeea3f63 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Network traffic' graph_items: - drawtype: GRADIENT_LINE color: 199C0D item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '["{#IFNAME}",,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '1' drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: F63100 calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[net.if.out."{#IFNAME}",,{$SSH.PORT}]' - uuid: 840c2e71f37f4aaf98fc8b377d6c8e9d name: 'Mounted filesystem discovery' type: SSH key: '[vfs.fs.discovery,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 1h params: | IFSOLD=$IFS; IFS=$'\n'; FSS=($(df -Tl -xtmpfs -xdevtmpfs)); IFS=$IFSOLD data=$( for FS in "${FSS[@]:1}"; { fs=($FS); printf "\n\t{ \"{#FSNAME}\":\"${fs[-1]}\",\t\t\"{#FSTYPE}\":\"${fs[1]}\"\t}," }; printf '_LAST_COMMA_' ) printf "{\n\t\"data\":[\n${data//,_LAST_COMMA_/\\n}\n\t]\n}\n" username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#FSTYPE}' value: '@File systems for discovery' formulaid: A lifetime: 30d enabled_lifetime_type: DISABLE_NEVER description: 'Discovery of file systems of different types as defined in global regular expression "File systems for discovery".' item_prototypes: - uuid: 54de33f2a51c47ccb078ce697ca4a554 name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Inodes: Free, in %' type: SSH key: '[vfs.fs.dependent.inode.{#FSNAME}.pfree,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 1h history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'expr 100 - $(df -i {#FSNAME} | sed ''1d;s|%||;s|,|.|'' | awk ''{ print $5 }'')' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'Free metadata space expressed in %.' tags: - tag: component value: storage - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' - tag: fstype value: '{#FSTYPE}' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: b82bf39407514781b709606ffb800f17 expression: 'min(/Linux by SSH/[vfs.fs.dependent.inode.{#FSNAME}.pfree,,{$SSH.PORT}],5m)<{$VFS.FS.INODE.PFREE.MIN.CRIT:"{#FSNAME}"}' name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Running out of free inodes' event_name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Running out of free inodes (free < {$VFS.FS.INODE.PFREE.MIN.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"}%)' opdata: 'Free inodes: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING description: 'Disk writing may fail if index nodes are exhausted, leading to error messages like "No space left on device" or "Disk is full", despite available free space.' tags: - tag: scope value: capacity - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 0dbdccfa5c3d429a88c398b050ea947b expression: 'min(/Linux by SSH/[vfs.fs.dependent.inode.{#FSNAME}.pfree,,{$SSH.PORT}],5m)<{$VFS.FS.INODE.PFREE.MIN.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"}' name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Running out of free inodes' event_name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Running out of free inodes (free < {$VFS.FS.INODE.PFREE.MIN.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"}%)' opdata: 'Free inodes: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING description: 'Disk writing may fail if index nodes are exhausted, leading to error messages like "No space left on device" or "Disk is full", despite available free space.' tags: - tag: scope value: capacity - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 081c3b9898de42458b141626c16c1d4f name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Space: Used, in %' type: SSH key: '[vfs.fs.dependent.size.[{#FSNAME}.pused,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'df {#FSNAME} | grep {#FSNAME} | awk ''{ print $5 }'' | sed ''s|%||''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'Calculated as the percentage of currently used space compared to the maximum available space.' tags: - tag: component value: storage - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' - tag: fstype value: '{#FSNAME}' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 5f25caeb8e034e4fa4772c6b0e2c21d4 expression: 'min(/Linux by SSH/[vfs.fs.dependent.size.[{#FSNAME}.pused,,{$SSH.PORT}],5m)>{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"{#FSNAME}"}' name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Space is critically low' event_name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Space is critically low (used > {$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"{#FSNAME}"}%, total {{?last(//vfs.fs.dependent.size[{#FSNAME},total])/1024/1024/1024}.fmtnum(1)}GB)' opdata: 'Space used: {{ITEM.LASTVALUE1}.fmtnum(1)}%' priority: AVERAGE description: | The volume's space usage exceeds the `{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"{#FSNAME}"}%` limit. The trigger expression is based on the current used and maximum available spaces. Event name represents the total volume space, which can differ from the maximum available space, depending on the filesystem type. manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - tag: scope value: capacity - uuid: 9c42ab7f8e1945e6a366ec75dafc8819 expression: 'min(/Linux by SSH/[vfs.fs.dependent.size.[{#FSNAME}.pused,,{$SSH.PORT}],5m)>{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"}' name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Space is low' event_name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Space is low (used > {$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"}%, total {{?last(//vfs.fs.dependent.size[{#FSNAME},total])/1024/1024/1024}.fmtnum(1)}GB)' opdata: 'Space used: {{ITEM.LASTVALUE1}.fmtnum(1)}%' priority: WARNING description: | The volume's space usage exceeds the `{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"}%` limit. The trigger expression is based on the current used and maximum available spaces. Event name represents the total volume space, which can differ from the maximum available space, depending on the filesystem type. manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - tag: scope value: capacity - uuid: 7b3cbbb087d84b0dbd6572be4383b3f9 name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Space: Available' type: SSH key: '[vfs.fs.dependent.size.{#FSNAME}.free,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d units: B params: 'df --block-size=1 {#FSNAME} | grep {#FSNAME} | awk ''{ print $4 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'Available storage space expressed in bytes.' tags: - tag: component value: storage - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' - tag: fstype value: '{#FSTYPE}' - uuid: ab77b0b6383a424cb35ab974f0b4be30 name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Space: Total' type: SSH key: '[vfs.fs.dependent.size.{#FSNAME}.total,,{$SSH.PORT}]' delay: 1h history: 7d units: B params: 'df --block-size=1 {#FSNAME} | grep {#FSNAME} | awk ''{ print $2 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'Total space expressed in bytes.' tags: - tag: component value: storage - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' - tag: fstype value: '{#FSTYPE}' - uuid: 853406d964cc427ea0c3f576b93f67e0 name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Space: Used' type: SSH key: '[vfs.fs.dependent.size.{#FSNAME}.used,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d units: B params: 'df --block-size=1 {#FSNAME} | grep {#FSNAME} | awk ''{ print $3 }''' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'Used storage expressed in bytes.' tags: - tag: component value: storage - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' - tag: fstype value: '{#FSTYPE}' - uuid: c9dc42d978734a8a9022a3e7a4c742ab name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Option: Read-only' type: SSH key: '[vfs.fs.dependent.{#FSNAME}.readonly,,{$SSH.PORT}]' history: 7d params: 'awk ''$4~/(^|,)ro($|,)/'' /proc/mounts | egrep -v "ramfs|tmpfs" | grep -c {#FSNAME}' username: '{$SSH.USER}' password: '{$SSH.PWD}' description: 'The filesystem is mounted as read-only.' tags: - tag: component value: storage - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' - tag: fstype value: '{#FSTYPE}' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 753cd5fa22c24b66a39220690734ca04 expression: 'last(/Linux by SSH/[vfs.fs.dependent.{#FSNAME}.readonly,,{$SSH.PORT}],#2)=0 and last(/Linux by SSH/[vfs.fs.dependent.{#FSNAME}.readonly,,{$SSH.PORT}])=1' recovery_mode: RECOVERY_EXPRESSION recovery_expression: 'last(/Linux by SSH/[vfs.fs.dependent.{#FSNAME}.readonly,,{$SSH.PORT}])=0' name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Filesystem has become read-only' event_name: 'FS [{#FSNAME}]: Running out of free inodes (free < {$VFS.FS.INODE.PFREE.MIN.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"}%)' opdata: 'Free inodes: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: AVERAGE description: 'The filesystem has become read-only, possibly due to an I/O error.' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - tag: scope value: performance graph_prototypes: - uuid: 8a06b094ec674f72b6bd7fc1e2b03f03 name: 'FS [{#FSTYPE}({#FSNAME})]: Space usage graph, in % (relative to max available)' width: '600' height: '340' ymin_type_1: FIXED ymax_type_1: FIXED graph_items: - drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: F63100 item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[vfs.fs.dependent.size.[{#FSNAME}.pused,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - uuid: 5b9f331bbf9c4577a1d163354b55bd9a name: 'FS [{#FSTYPE}({#FSNAME})]: Space utilization chart (relative to total)' width: '600' height: '340' yaxismax: '0' show_work_period: 'NO' show_triggers: 'NO' type: PIE show_3d: 'YES' graph_items: - color: '787878' calc_fnc: MIN item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[vfs.fs.dependent.size.{#FSNAME}.total,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 calc_fnc: MIN item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[vfs.fs.dependent.size.{#FSNAME}.used,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '2' color: 199C09 calc_fnc: MIN item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[vfs.fs.dependent.size.{#FSNAME}.free,,{$SSH.PORT}]' tags: - tag: class value: os - tag: target value: linux macros: - macro: '{$CPU.UTIL.CRIT}' value: '90' description: 'Critical threshold of CPU utilization expressed in %.' - macro: '{$IF.ERRORS.WARN}' value: '2' description: 'Warning threshold of error packet rate. Can be used with interface name as context.' - macro: '{$IF.UTIL.MAX}' value: '90' description: 'Used as a threshold in the interface utilization trigger.' - macro: '{$IFCONTROL}' value: '1' description: 'Link status trigger will be fired only for interfaces where the context macro equals "1".' - macro: '{$KERNEL.MAXFILES.MIN}' value: '256' - macro: '{$KERNEL.MAXPROC.MIN}' value: '1024' - macro: '{$LOAD_AVG_PER_CPU.MAX.WARN}' value: '1.5' description: 'The CPU load per core is considered sustainable. If necessary, it can be tuned.' - macro: '{$MEMORY.AVAILABLE.MIN}' value: 20M description: 'Used as a threshold in the available memory trigger.' - macro: '{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}' value: '90' description: 'Used as a threshold in the memory utilization trigger.' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFNAME.MATCHES}' value: '^.*$' description: 'Used for network interface discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFNAME.NOT_MATCHES}' value: '(^Software Loopback Interface|^NULL[0-9.]*$|^[Ll]o[0-9.]*$|^[Ss]ystem$|^Nu[0-9.]*$|^veth[0-9A-z]+$|docker[0-9]+|br-[a-z0-9]{12})' description: 'Filters out `loopbacks`, `nulls`, docker `veth` links and `docker0` bridge by default.' - macro: '{$SSH.PORT}' value: '22' - macro: '{$SWAP.PFREE.MIN.WARN}' value: '50' description: 'The warning threshold of the minimum free swap.' - macro: '{$SYSTEM.FUZZYTIME.MAX}' value: 60s description: 'The upper threshold for difference of system time.' - macro: '{$SYSTEM.FUZZYTIME.MIN}' value: 10s description: 'The lower threshold for difference of system time. Used in recovery expression to avoid trigger flapping.' - macro: '{$VFS.DEV.DEVNAME.MATCHES}' value: .+ description: 'Used for block device discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.DEV.DEVNAME.NOT_MATCHES}' value: '^(loop[0-9]*|sd[a-z][0-9]+|nbd[0-9]+|sr[0-9]+|fd[0-9]+|dm-[0-9]+|ram[0-9]+|ploop[a-z0-9]+|md[0-9]*|hcp[0-9]*|zram[0-9]*)' description: 'Used for block device discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.DEV.READ.AWAIT.WARN}' value: '20' description: 'The average response time (in ms) of disk read before the trigger fires.' - macro: '{$VFS.DEV.WRITE.AWAIT.WARN}' value: '20' description: 'The average response time (in ms) of disk write before the trigger fires.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FSNAME.MATCHES}' value: .+ description: 'Used for filesystem discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FSNAME.NOT_MATCHES}' value: ^(/dev|/sys|/run|/proc|.+/shm$) description: 'Used for filesystem discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FSTYPE.MATCHES}' value: ^(btrfs|ext2|ext3|ext4|reiser|xfs|ffs|ufs|jfs|jfs2|vxfs|hfs|apfs|refs|ntfs|fat32|zfs)$ description: 'Used for filesystem discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FSTYPE.NOT_MATCHES}' value: ^\s$ description: 'Used for filesystem discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.INODE.PFREE.MIN.CRIT}' value: '10' description: 'The critical threshold of the filesystem metadata utilization.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.INODE.PFREE.MIN.WARN}' value: '20' description: 'The warning threshold of the filesystem metadata utilization.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT}' value: '90' description: 'The critical threshold of the filesystem utilization.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN}' value: '80' description: 'The warning threshold of the filesystem utilization.' dashboards: - uuid: b374df5165424413a64e0b8b1bda9774 name: Filesystems display_period: '60' pages: - widgets: - type: graphprototype width: '69' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: columns value: '3' - type: GRAPH_PROTOTYPE name: graphid.0 value: host: 'Linux by SSH' name: 'FS [{#FSTYPE}({#FSNAME})]: Space utilization chart (relative to total)' - type: STRING name: reference value: TOTGJ - type: graphprototype 'y': '5' width: '69' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: columns value: '1' - type: GRAPH_PROTOTYPE name: graphid.0 value: host: 'Linux by SSH' name: 'FS [{#FSTYPE}({#FSNAME})]: Space usage graph, in % (relative to max available)' - type: STRING name: reference value: JMEDJ - uuid: badd0c1c59fa405d84a372f907f2b1c6 name: 'Network interfaces' display_period: '60' pages: - widgets: - type: graphprototype width: '69' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: columns value: '1' - type: GRAPH_PROTOTYPE name: graphid.0 value: host: 'Linux by SSH' name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Network traffic' - type: STRING name: reference value: BXKGP - uuid: a2f9fc42a26e4f88863921b2da1c59c3 name: 'System performance' pages: - widgets: - type: graph width: '36' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid.0 value: host: 'Linux by SSH' name: 'Linux: System load' - type: STRING name: reference value: AAAAA - type: graph 'y': '5' width: '36' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid.0 value: host: 'Linux by SSH' name: 'Linux: Memory usage' - type: STRING name: reference value: AAAAC - type: graphprototype 'y': '10' width: '72' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: columns value: '3' - type: GRAPH_PROTOTYPE name: graphid.0 value: host: 'Linux by SSH' name: 'FS [{#FSTYPE}({#FSNAME})]: Space utilization chart (relative to total)' - type: STRING name: reference value: XYWNP - type: graphprototype 'y': '15' width: '72' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: columns value: '1' - type: GRAPH_PROTOTYPE name: graphid.0 value: host: 'Linux by SSH' name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Network traffic' - type: STRING name: reference value: BLFZO - type: graph x: '36' width: '36' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid.0 value: host: 'Linux by SSH' name: 'Linux: CPU usage' - type: STRING name: reference value: AAAAB - type: graph x: '36' 'y': '5' width: '36' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid.0 value: host: 'Linux by SSH' name: 'Linux: Swap usage' - type: STRING name: reference value: AAAAD triggers: - uuid: 49d74dedfa69411da6f85eadf613388a expression: 'last(/Linux by SSH/[proc.num,,{$SSH.PORT}])/last(/Linux by SSH/[kernel.maxproc,,{$SSH.PORT}])*100>80' name: 'Getting closer to process limit' event_name: 'Getting closer to process limit (over 80% used)' opdata: '{ITEM.LASTVALUE1} active, {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} limit.' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 97a51f8b8cd746e6bbd6c8c02571b8bc expression: 'max(/Linux by SSH/[mem_available,,{$SSH.PORT}],5m)<{$MEMORY.AVAILABLE.MIN} and last(/Linux by SSH/[mem_total,,{$SSH.PORT}])>0' name: 'Lack of available memory' event_name: 'Lack of available memory (<{$MEMORY.AVAILABLE.MIN} of {ITEM.VALUE2})' opdata: 'Available: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, total: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2}' priority: AVERAGE description: 'The system is running out of memory.' tags: - tag: scope value: capacity - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 536ca8cd03fe477d957ba9cd61d12559 expression: 'min(/Linux by SSH/[system.cpu.load.all,avg1,,{$SSH.PORT}],5m)/last(/Linux by SSH/[system.cpunumber,,{$SSH.PORT}])>{$LOAD_AVG_PER_CPU.MAX.WARN} and last(/Linux by SSH/[system.cpu.load.all,avg5,,{$SSH.PORT}])>0 and last(/Linux by SSH/[system.cpu.load.all,avg15,,{$SSH.PORT}])>0' name: 'Load average is too high' event_name: 'Load average is too high (per CPU load over {$LOAD_AVG_PER_CPU.MAX.WARN} for 5m)' opdata: 'Load averages(1m 5m 15m): ({ITEM.LASTVALUE1} {ITEM.LASTVALUE3} {ITEM.LASTVALUE4}), # of CPUs: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2}' priority: AVERAGE description: 'The load average per CPU is too high. The system may be slow to respond.' tags: - tag: scope value: capacity - tag: scope value: performance graphs: - uuid: f3fb6d18e49544d09609121dd9a79476 name: 'Linux: CPU jumps' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.switches,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.intr,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - uuid: a97f23e51a0340d680468cb509efa349 name: 'Linux: CPU usage' show_triggers: 'NO' type: STACKED ymin_type_1: FIXED ymax_type_1: FIXED graph_items: - drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: 199C0D item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.util.system,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '1' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: F63100 item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.util.user,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '2' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: 00611C item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.util.nice,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '3' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: F7941D item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.util.iowait,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '4' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: FC6EA3 item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.util.steal,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '5' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: 6C59DC item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.util.interrupt,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '6' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: C7A72D item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.util.softirq,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '7' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: BA2A5D item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.util.guest,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '8' color: F230E0 calc_fnc: MIN item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.util.guest.nice,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - uuid: a2cadfb396844ccc9b4238c2bffaa9e4 name: 'Linux: CPU utilization' ymin_type_1: FIXED ymax_type_1: FIXED graph_items: - drawtype: GRADIENT_LINE color: 199C0D item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.util,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - uuid: ece095988f0f407fab78bb5fcff63693 name: 'Linux: Memory usage' ymin_type_1: FIXED graph_items: - drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: 199C0D item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[mem_total,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '1' drawtype: GRADIENT_LINE color: F63100 calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[mem_available,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - uuid: 70147cc313684e24877a2d46502294cc name: 'Linux: Memory utilization' ymin_type_1: FIXED ymax_type_1: FIXED graph_items: - drawtype: GRADIENT_LINE color: 199C0D calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[mem_utilization,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - uuid: 07fd701c6ac84332943d979cd323818d name: 'Linux: Processes' graph_items: - color: 199C0D calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[kernel.maxproc,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - uuid: e7f66a3518c04a5d988fbdce8bcac47c name: 'Linux: Swap usage' width: '600' height: '340' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - uuid: 3f8ad0e0e4804337849bb008e9142c0a name: 'Linux: System load' ymin_type_1: FIXED graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.load.all,avg1,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.load.all,avg5,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '2' color: 00611C item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpu.load.all,avg15,,{$SSH.PORT}]' - sortorder: '3' color: F7941D calc_fnc: ALL item: host: 'Linux by SSH' key: '[system.cpunumber,,{$SSH.PORT}]'